Easter is a special holiday in spring. Easter is also an annual festival that commemorates the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25.
Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday and marks the date Jesus was crucified and died for the sins of people. Jesus came to life again three days later. It was on Sunday.
Today, Christians go to church and have a special service on Easter Sunday. Many people sing and pray on Easter Sunday. They think about new life in Heaven after death. It is a very happy day. Flowers, eggs and rabbits are all symbols of Easter. They are all symbols of new life.
Children like the Easter Bunny. The tradition of the Easter Bunny was brought to America by German immigrants in 1700's. The Easter Bunny visit children and hide colored eggs that the children have to find on Easter Sunday morning. On Easter Sunday evening, children eat a big dinner with their families.
復活節(主復活日)是現今基督教徒的重要節日之一,定在每年春分月圓之後第一個星期日。基督徒認為,復活節象徵重生與希望,乃紀念耶穌基督於公元33年被釘死後第三天復活的事件。今天,許多與復活節相關的民間風俗,都不是起源於基督教的。《聖經》只記載耶穌吩咐門徒記念自己的死亡而非復活。 在西方,與復活節相關的物品有復活節兔和復活節彩蛋。傳說復活節彩蛋都是兔子的蛋(但事實上,兔子其實是不下蛋的,所以復活節彩蛋其實都是雞蛋),有些人喜歡在蛋上畫各種各樣的鬼臉或花紋。而這些民間風俗都不是起源於基督教的。 《天主教百科全書》指出「復活節吸納了許多慶祝春回大地的異教習俗。」蛋象徵初春一切恢復生機,兔子在異教象徵多產。如今依然流行的復活節慶祝活動,充分證明了復活節含有濃厚的巴比倫色彩。今天人們在耶穌受難日吃十字包和在復活節吃彩蛋,這些宗教習俗可見於迦勒底的宗教儀式中。 熱鬧的復活節活動終於要粉墨登場了! 一連串的復活節活動早在老師的策畫當中,蠢蠢欲動,蓄勢待發了!今天,我們先從最簡單的彩蛋開始。 為什麼復活節會跟彩蛋有關係呢?(可見上方來自為基百科的解說。)
↑ 以上都孩子的作品。看看這些繽紛美麗的花樣,每個都是充滿了生命力。都是獨一無二的創作喔!
↑ 孩子再努力著自己的作品,老師已經先到外面去將那顆樹給布置好了。
↑ 孩子迫不及待的將已經完成的作品放上去。
↑唉呀! 好純真的笑容喔!
↑ 好喜歡那顆樹,那繽紛的顏色。那屬於孩子獨一無二的原始創作。如此美麗,如此獨特!!