








  我很喜歡孩子在台上很自然的呈現出自己的自信,散發出對自己信心滿滿的樣子,是老師們長期建立啟的信心,讓孩子去「相信」自己是最棒的,去告訴自己,「I can do it」 然後孩子去戰勝了自己的舞台恐懼症,可以很有表現欲的展現自己。


Narrator: Once there were three little pigs. They were brothers. One brother loved to eat, and one brother loved to sing and dance; but the other brother was more practical. The three little pigs were getting big and it was time for them to leave home…

Simon: My dear kids, it’s time for you to look for a new home.

Chanty: Remember to watch out for the big bad wolf.

Becky, Jeremy& Phoebe: Ok, goodbye daddy.

Simon: Goodbye my kids.

Becky, Jeremy & Phoebe (crying): Good-bye, mommy.

Chanty: Good-bye my babies.



↑ 豬爸爸和豬媽媽






還可以很有自信大方的做了戲劇演出,Maggie 媽咪真是為你感到驕傲!!


Simon & Chanty: Be careful of the big bad wolf.

Narrator: The three little pigs walked by a pond. They saw a dog

with some straw.



↑Becky  也是剛到校一年的孩子。





Becky: There is some straw; maybe I can use the straw to build a house.


Narrator: The lazy little pig built a house of straw. There were bunnies walking by and singing:



↑  這些可愛的兔子為這場戲劇帶來不少畫龍點睛的效果。




Bunnies: Croak! Croak! Croak! Look! Look! Look! It’s a house of straw. Is it strong? Is it safe? I doubt it. I doubt it.


Becky: Now, I can go to sleep in my new home. The wolf can’t get in here. Good-bye brothers.


Narrator: The two little pigs went on. They came to a beautiful playground. One little pig liked to play.




Jeremy: I can have fun here.


Narrator: They saw a goat with some sticks.


Jeremy: Maybe I can live here in a stick house, and then I could go to the playground every day. Please give me some sticks. I want to build a new house.’’


Narrator: The playful little pig built a house of sticks.



Narrator: Some bunnies came to look at the house.


Bunnies: Play! Play! Play! Play all day! It’s a house of sticks. Is it strong? Is it safe? I doubt it. I doubt it.


Jeremy: Now, I can play in my new home. The wolf can’t get in here. Goodbye, brother.


Narrator: The last little pig was the smartest. He was smart and worked hard.





Phoebe: Mommy and Daddy told us we have to be careful of the big bad wolf. I have to build a very strong house that big bad wolf won’t get in here.


Narrator: The little pig built a house of brick.


Phoebe: Now, I can be safe in my new home. The wolf can’t get in here.



↑  謝謝Vicky 媽媽的化妝技術。




Narrator: The big bad wolf saw the little pig in the house of straw.


Wolf: Little pig, little pig, let me in, let me in.’


Kevin: No, no, not by the hair of my chinny chin chin! I will not let you in!


Wolf: Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down.’’


Kevin: Ah…..


Narrator: The pig ran away to his brother’s house. The wolf saw the two little pigs in the house of sticks.


Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me in, let me in.’’


↑Teddy 那種凶神惡煞還有不需要賣克風就很大聲的吼叫聲也是很嚇人喔!



Jeremy & Becky: No, no, not by the hairs of our chinny chin chins! We will not let you in! ‘

Wolf: Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down.

Narrator: The wolf huffed and puffed, and blew down the house of sticks.

Jeremy & Becky: Help! Help!

Narrator: They run to their youngest brother.

 The wolf saw the three little pigs in the house of bricks.

Wolf: Little pigs, little pigs, let me in, let me in.’’

Jeremy, Becky & Phoebe: No, no, not by the hairs of our chinny chin chins!

Jeremy, Becky & Phoebe: We will not let you in !’’

Wolf: Then I’ll huff, and I’ll puff, and I’ll blow your house down.’’

Narrator: He huffed and puffed, and he puffed and huffed.

Wolf (angrily): The house of bricks is strong and safe. I can’t blow it down. I will get the three little pigs! Let me climb down the chimney!


↑最後,掉進去了熱湯,夾了野狼尾巴逃走了,真是 可愛~

Narrator: The smart little pig made some hot soup! The wolf fell into the hot soup. Splash!


Wolf: Ouch! 


Narrator: The wolf cried, and he ran away.





Jeremy, Becky & Phoebe: Hurray! Hurray!”


Bunnies: The three little pigs are happy. The house of bricks is strong and safe.


Jeremy, Becky, & Phoebe: We like it here.






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