Red Riding Hood 小紅帽
然後,Eddie 中了大野狼這個角色。
一向都是是演王子的他要去接受這個「壞人的腳色」實在是有點難為他了。幸運的是,媽媽剛好有利用了這期的雜誌,介紹了大野狼的角色,讓Eddie 充分的瞭解了 ,戲劇的扮演其實只是一個合作的戲劇並非代表人品的象徵,於是他欣然的接受了這個角色。
小紅帽不會哭,哭得不夠傳神,Ethan 會教他要怎樣擦眼淚看起來比較誇張。
There is a little girl. She likes wear a red cloak with a
red hood. That’s why people call her “Red Riding Hood.”
There is a little girl. She likes wear a red cloak with a
red hood. That’s why people call her “Red Riding Hood.”
↑ 戲劇一開始就是這首輕快的歌曲去串場的。開啟了這場最輕快而活潑的戲劇。
Taison: Today is Christmas Eve. Red riding Hood’s mother gets letter from grandmother.
Anny: Red Riding Hood, your grandma is sick. Go visit grandma, and give her some cake.
Red: Yes, Mother!
Taison: Red riding Hood walk through the forest. She sees many beautiful flowers everywhere.
Red: Wow, there are so many beautiful flowers. I can pick some for grandma. I think she will like it.
↑Red Riding Hood 小紅帽--Rebcca 飾演。
Wolf: Hi!! What’s your name, little girl?
Red: I am Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: What are you doing here? Do you want to play with me?
Red: Oh! I can’t. I have to see my grandma. Today is Christmas Eve; I bring some cake and ginger bread for her.
Wolf: Where does she live?
Red: Not too far. It’s over there.
Wolf (speaking to the audience): I can eat Red Riding Hood and her grandma….I am so hungry!(touches his tummy). Ok, Red Riding hood. Have a nice day!! Bye Bye!
Red (picking flowers): Goodbye!
↑ Anny 是這學期才加入Sunflower Class,原本生性害羞的她,在這個活潑的班級裡面,漸漸被感染了活潑的氣質,也變成了很勇於展現自己的孩子。
Taison: The wolf runs very fast to Grandma’s house.
(The wolf knocks on the door.)
Wolf: Grandma, grandma….
Grandma: Who is it?
Wolf: It’s me, Red riding Hood.
Grandma: I am coming, my dear…(She sees a wolf’s paw.)
Grandma: It’s the wolf!!! (She screams)
Taison: The wolf ate grandma. And he has a big tummy now!
The wolf puts on Grandma’s pajamas and sleeping cap. She lay on the bed wait for Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: Now, I’m waiting for Red Riding hood!
↑ 小紅帽敲敲門,喬裝成外婆的大野狼去幫小紅帽開門。
(Red Riding Hood knocks on the door.)
Red: Hello, Grandma, grandma, It’s me, Red Riding Hood.
Wolf: Come in, my dear.
(The Red Riding Hood opens the door and comes in.)
↑ 小紅帽越想越不對盡勁,因為外婆怎麼會有長長的耳朵,有大大的眼睛,還有大大的牙齒?
Red: OH! My god!! Grandma, you have very big eyes!
Wolf: Yes, they are better to see you with.
(Red Riding Hood walks a little closer.)
Red: How strange!! You have very big ears!!
Wolf: Yes, they are better to hear you with!
(Red Riding Hood walks a little closer again.)
Red: How strange! You have very big teeth.
Wolf: Yes, they are better to eat you with!
Taison: The wolf jumps out the bed. He wants to eat her.
Red: Help, Help!!(Screams)
↑ 兇猛的大野狼出現了。
(來段小插曲,Eddie 上好妝之後,他媽媽竟然當著他的面前在找兒子,元來是這個裝扮實在是太棒了,所以連媽媽也認不出來!)
Wolf: Rumble, rumble, one and two .My tummy is waiting just for you. (Singing) Rumble, rumble, one and two, my tummy is waiting just for you.
Red: Oh! No!! Please don’t eat me!!
(She climbs up the tree.)
Wolf: Come down, little girl!
Red: No way!!I won’t let you eat me.
Hunter See……he is sleeping. Let’s tie up the wolf. Where is your grandma?
Red (crying): Big wolf ate grandma.
(They see wolf’s tummy is moving.)
Hunter: I think your grandma still alive. Let’s open his tummy to save grandma.
↑ 他們把大野狼的肚子切開,救出來在肚子裡的外婆。
(They use big scissor to cut big wolf’s tummy.)
Red: Oh! Grandma!! I’m so glad that you still alive!!
Hunter: It’s good to see you!! The wolf is too bad! I want to punish him.
Go find some stone. I want to put lot of stone in his tummy.
↑ 再用繩子將這隻惡狼繩之以法~
Taison: They put some stones in wolf’s tummy. Soon the wolf wakes up!
Wolf: OH!! Where is Red Riding?? Oh! My tummy is getting heavy.
What’s wrong with my tummy?
(Wolf stands up and walks)
Wolf: I feel thirsty I need some water!
Taison: Wolf walks around the lake and he falls into the lake!!
↑ 大家同心協力要制伏這隻貪吃的大野狼。
↑ 於是大家都過了一個很愉快的聖誕節。
(Enter Red, grandma, and hunter)
Red: Grandma, I bring some cake and ginger bread for Xmas.
Grandma: Oh! My dear, you are so sweet!!
(There are some kids playing in the forest.)
Grandma: Come here, let’s share Xmas lunch!
↑ 大家一起唱歌,這次我們的勁歌熱舞,是很爵士風格的舞曲唷!
↑ 這歌曲把現場氣氛炒的好火熱喔~