Passion fruits are grown in warmer climates in places like Florida, California, Hawaii, Australia, New Zealand, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and South America.

     They are tart with a flavor similar to a combination of guava, pineapple and lemon. The fruit has little black seeds pods inside and is quite juicy.


Passion Fruit Smoothie Recipes

Passion Fruit-Pineapple Green Smoothie

  • 1 cup pineapple, cubed

  • 3 passion fruits, inner fruit only

  • 1 medium banana, peeled

  • 2 cups fresh baby spinach

  • 8 ounces coconut water





     When selecting passion fruit, select fruits that are slightly or mostly wrinkled, but that do not contain holes or dents. Passion fruits are very lightweight, but should be slightly firm and not give when you squeeze them.

     It is virtually impossible to find organic passion fruits. Since I don’t eat the skin, I am not concerned about using conventionally grown fruits on occasion.


  Be careful when you cut passion fruits in half, as they contain a small amount of juice. Since they are small enough, you want to make sure you save all the juice you can. Cut the fruit almost in half, and then pour the juice into your blender before cutting the rest of the fruit all the way through.



Use passion fruit as a flavor fruit and blend it with creamy base fruits like banana or mango. Passion fruit blends well with other tropical flavor fruits like pineapple, lychee and many berries. Young green or Thai coconut water or meat in a passion fruit green smoothie provides a wonderful tropical flavor note.
















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