

All about Chinese New Year

Chinese New Year is a holiday that celebrates the beginning of a new year according to the lunar calendar. It is considered to be one of the most important holidays for Chinese families.

The holiday is celebrated with big family gatherings, gift giving, the eating of symbolic foods and display of festive decorations--all focused on bringing good luck for the new year and celebrating the coming of Spring.

When Is Chinese New Year?
The start of Chinese New Year changes every year since it is dictated by the lunar calendar. The Gregorian or solar calendar--which is based on the Earth's movement around the sun and has a fixed number of 365 days a year (366 during a leap year)--is the most widely used calendar system in the world and has been the official calendar used in China since 1912.

But in China the lunar calendar is still used to determine traditional holidays like Chinese New Year.  Since the lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon-- which has a shorter cycle than the sun--Chinese New Year is never on the same day each year, but typically falls somewhere between January 21st and February 20th.

How Long Do Chinese New Year Celebrations Last?
According to Daria Ng, Assistant Curator of Education at the Museum of Chinese in the Americas in New York City, celebrations can actually last up to a month,  especially in China.

Originally the celebrations lasted for lengthy amounts of time because China was a very agriculture-based country so farmers took the whole month off to rest since crops couldn't be planted during the winter. Nowadays most families celebrate the New Year for about two week's time, says Ng, starting on the first day of the new year and end on the 15th.


What you'll need:

  • 4 or more cardboard tubes

  • Red construction paper, ½ sheet per tube

  • Tape

  • Gold glitter glue

  • White yarn

  • Scissors

How to make it:

  1. Roll cardboard tube in red construction paper, use tape to secure.

  2. Fold ends of construction paper inside the tube on both ends.

  3. Decorate tube with gold glitter glue with different shapes and designs. Allow to dry for several hours.

  4. Tape yarn inside one end of each tube.

  5. String together, one higher than the other if you have four of them. If you have more, you can hang them in pairs, two at the top, two below that, two below that, and so on.

  6. Hang up as decorations!


  • Chinese New Year is considered the most important of traditional Chinese holidays.

  • Save cardboard tubes from paper towels and bathroom tissue for hundreds of different craft projects!

  • Buy construction paper in large variety packs to have on hand for impromptu projects.



↑ 每一次在做這些English theme Crafts時就是ˋ我們跟學生距離最近的時候了。




↑ Cherry 一剛開始只是觀望,後來,她一副很想動手去作的樣子,我拿了一張紅色的紙給她,她便主動伸手去拿了蠟筆。






↑ Chris 是一個很搞笑的老師,他很體貼的都會去詢問小朋友的需求,然後蹲著身子,或是就直接跪在地上,跟孩子沒有距離的一起畫畫。





↑  不知道是不是故意的,Leo 總是很愛請Chris 幫他的忙。



↑  邊畫畫,邊聊天。但是,只會問:這樣ok嗎?

   或是Can you help me, Teacher Chris?


↑Cherry 開始可以跟Chris 聊天了。我想她是第一次接觸到外國人,不過,這次,他會跟他Give me Five喔!他們之間的距離,有了很大的進步。



↑  所以我們把焦點都放在比較小的孩子身上。很可愛喔!有些時候我們要幫忙畫,他們會撥開喔~還會說:我自己畫!




↑  快完成了,我們還要在做最後裝飾的部分。




↑ Cherry 拿著自己的作品。雖然這不是他完成的,但是他看到每個小朋友都有拿,他也會學著孩子自己去拿作品。不得不說,同儕間的影響真的很大呢!




↑  然後大家都很自動的排開來,要求老師幫忙拍照留念。


↑  真的有喜氣洋洋的感覺呢!




↑  我們的甜蜜大合照!!




↑  感覺我們的孩子,好像特別會拍照~~~哈哈!

   那鏡頭,一次就OK! 呵呵呵~

   Chris 第一個星期上班,他說,他已經愛上我們這裡的孩子了。







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