There once was a miller. When he died, he had nothing left for his three sons, except for a mill, a donkey, and a cat. The mill he left to his oldest son, the donkey to the second, and to the youngest got the cat.
Tom: My brothers may have an easy life, but for me, I may soon die.
Cat: Don’t worry, my master. You only have to give me a bag, a pair of boots and you will see that I am more worth than the mill or donkey.
(Tom gave him a pair of boots and a bag. The cat put on the boots and threw the bag over his shoulder.)
Tom: Here are a bag and a pair of boots. But, what are you going to do with those bags and boots?
Puss: Just wait and see, I’m going to change your life.
S: He went to the grassland to get some rabbits and put them into the bag.
Puss was very proud of himself, and he went to the castle to speak to the king.
Puss: The rabbits are very cute, the king will like them. I’m going to visit him.
Soldier: Who are you?
Puss cat: I’m Puss, may I meet the greatest king in the world?
Soldier: Who is your master?
Puss cat: He is the kindest man in the town.
Soldier: Yes, you may.
Puss cat: Dear King, I am Puss, I have a present from my master, a kindest man in the town.
King: Oh! I have never seen a cat can speak. Who is your master?
Puss cat: Prince of Carrabas. Please except the present from my master.
King: Carrabas, I haven’t never heard his name before. But, thank you for the present.
Puss: I will see you soon, my king.
Puss: My master, If you do as I tell you, your future will be change.
T: What should I do?
Puss: You must take off your clothes and bath in the river.If anyone asks for your name, you have to say that you are the Prince of Carrabas.
T: How can I dress like that to meet the king?
Puss: Bath in the river and hid your clothes behind a big rock. When you see the King, you must shout “Help”.
T: All right, I will do whatever you told me.
Help, Help, somebody helps me, please. Help, Help, somebody helps me, please.
Solider: Oh, no! the kindest man in the town- Prince of Carrabas is drowning in the river.
King: Soldier, Help him out of river.
S: The king’s soldier helps Tom out of the river.
P: What happened to you?
T: I was swimming in the river, but someone stole my clothes.
P: Soldier, give him some clothes.
S: Tom puts on the new clothes, He looks great.
Puss: This is my master, Prince of Carrabas.
K: Wow, you look very handsome. Thanks for your present.
P: You are welcome, It’s my pleasure.
Puss: I hope we can walk with you.
K: The rice grows very beautiful. Who does this field belong to?
Farmer: It belongs to our master-- Prince of Carrabas.
King: Umm.. A very rich land you have there.
S: Soon they pass another wheat field.
K: The wheat grows very beautiful. Who does this field belong to?
Farmer: It belongs to our master-- Prince of Carrabas.
K: What a rich man he must be.
I do believe he would be a good husband for my daughter.
S: Suddenly, a magician appears.
M:What a pretty princess. I want to marry the princess.
K: No, you can not!
M: Shaboom,shaboom. Out comes the broom. I sweep the log. You are a frog. Boom!
S: The king changes into a frog.
(The princess and Prince of Carrabas are scared)
Puss: I know you are a great magician. I want to learn some magic from you.
Magician: Yes, watch this. Shaboom,shaboom. Out comes the broom. I sweep the hair. I am a lion. Boom!
S: The magician change into a lion.
Puss: Oh! That’s great, but can change into a small animal, like a mouse?
M: Yes, watch this. Shaboom,shaboom. Out comes the broom. I sweep the hair. I am a mouse. Boom!
Princess: Thank you, Puss , Can you help my father now?
P: Yes, watch this.Shaboom,shaboom. Out comes the broom. I sweep your ring. You are the king. Boom!
S: The frog changes back into the king.
K: Thank you, Puss. You are a very smart cat. You can make a wish, I will make your wish come true.
Puss: Thank you, My master Prince of Carrabas is the kindest man in the town. He loves the princess very much. I hope they can get married.
Princess: I will love to get married to the Prince of Carrabas. He is my Hero!
S: And Puss lived in the big castle and they all lived happily ever after.