

Kay: Christmas will be here soon but still the shoemaker and his wife are sad.

Joan: We have no money and no food.  

Joyce: How about if we make some shoes and sell them?



Joan: That’s a good idea!  I sew and glue, sew and glue.

Joyce: I cut and hammer, cut and hammer. Ouch! My thumb!

Song:I cut and hammer, cut and hummer.I sew and glue, sew and glue.Ouch! My thumb!

Joan: Oh, honey, are you ok?

Joyce: My thumb hurts.

Joan: Let’s go to bed. We can finish the shoes in the morning.



Pitter, patter, pitter, patter.Here come some tiny little elves.

We want to help the shoemaker and his wife.We are happy helpers.


Joyce: Look! I see shoes on the table. I didn’t make those shoes. Did you?

Joan: Not me!

Joyce: Then who?

(song)I see some shoes on the table.I see some shoes.I did not make those shoes.

I see some shoes on the table.I see some shoes.I did not make those shoes.

Did you? Not me. Then who?



Joan: We can go to the market to sell them.

Kay: They go to the market to sell the shoes.

Joyce: Big shoes for sale.

Joan: Little shoes for sale.

Joyce & Joan: Who wants to buy a pretty pair of shoes?

Tony: May I try on the shoes?

Joyce: Yes, you may.

Tony: Oh, Oh! They are too big for me.

Benson: Let me try them on. ( put on the shoes.)

        Yes! They fit me. ( pay.)



Pitter, patter, pitter, patter.Here come some tiny little elves.

I like to cut and sing.I like to sew and dance.I like to glue and dream!






Joyce: I didn’t make those shoes. Did you?

Joan: Not me.

Joyce: Then who?

Joan: Let’s go to the market to sell the shoes.

Joyce: Ok!

They go to the market to sell the shoes.

Joyce: Big shoes for sale. Little shoes for sale.

Joan: Blue shoes for sale. Pink shoes for sale.

Joyce & Joan: Who wants to buy some exquisite shoes?

Benson: I want big shoes.

Tony: I want little shoes.

Benson: I want blue shoes.

Tony: I want pink shoes.

Joyce: One, Two, Three. We have more money. Now we can have a nice Christmas Eve.



Joan: Look! There is a little boy.

Joyce: Oh! Poor kid, he must feel cold and hungry.

Joan: Let’s help him.

Joyce: Hi, How are you?

Tony: I’m so cold and hungry. Can you please give me some food?



Joyce: Yes, you may come to our house. You can have Christmas dinner with us.

Tony: Thank you so much. You are such nice people.

They hide behind the door and wait. At midnight, the elves return to the shoemaker’s home and continue to make shoes.

Joyce: They are so tiny and cute. They are our little helpers.

Joan: They have helped us so much, I want to help the elves. Let’s make some tiny clothes for them.



They work happily making clothes for the elves. It feels good to return the kindness. The next night, they pretend to go to bed (as per usual), and wait for the little elves come out.


Joan & Joyce: Thank you, little elves. You are great helpers. We are having a Christmas party. Would you like to join us?

Elves: That sounds great!

Let’s Party!!








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